Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kayne vs. Taylor vs. Music

By now we’ve all heard about the Kanye West vs. Tayor Swift debacle that occurred on MTV’s Video Music Awards. If you haven’t seen it, here it is:

For obvious reasons, there hasn’t been much support for West’s display. To add to the criticism, what is fundamentally the problem here is that this award show exists as an advertisement for the media industry. (Not just music, viewers were subjected to three ads, via trailers or videos, for three movies.) Other than being rude and simply a move of one without much savvy, West’s support for Beyonce was ultimately conservative in nature for it was simply support for the music industry machine.

Taylor Swift’s last record, Fearless, was distributed by Universal Music Group. She has even shot a video parody of her hit “Love Story” with the rapper T-Pain called “Thug Story.”

Kayne West’s is on the label Roc-A-Fella. Roc-A-Fella just happens to be Beyonce's husband's record label! And just who is Rock-A-Fella a subsidiary of? Can you say Universal Music Group.

Who lost at the VMAs: Taylor Swift, who solely wrote about half of her last album and co-wrote the rest. Kayne West, who went on Leno the next night, nearly broke down into tears, and needs to worry about becoming so egomaniacal that he will tattoo his face a la Mike Tyson. (Did you notice his hair?)

However, we all know who the big winner was: Universal Music Group as people who feel so bad for 19 year-old Talyor Swift, they’ll be purchasing her album Fearless and buy Kayne West’s records just to hear what kind of music a crazy man makes.

Where’s punk rock when you need it?

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